Sunday 25 March 2012

Inexpensive Wedding Cakes That Look Gorgeous

Everytime you go to a wedding, and see a vibrant and beautiful wedding cake, you begin to wonder- I wish I had such a lovely wedding cake for myself. However, there are hardly any bakeries which avail of such magnificient multi-tiered wonders for a reasonable price, and you tend to overspend, or feel disappointed that you cannot purchase the wedding cake of your fantasies. You may find that there exist bakeries which offer wedding cakes at cheap prices, but then these cakes may end up tasting like rock and soil. It is for this reason that when it comes to inexpensive wedding cakes that look gorgeous, we must first try our hand at some competent wedding planning, and instead of lunging for cheap wedding cakes, go the safer route.

Which would be to prepare your own cake. It may sound incredibly difficult and time consuming, but it is fairly simple, and if you are able to manage time pretty efficiently, you would also be able to get things done well before deadlines.

Going about Preparing You Own Multi Tiered Wedding Cake

While the ingredients required, and the actual procedure for baking the cake will be easily found elsewhere, here on this blog, we will quickly tell you what the essentials for preparing a homemade multi-tiered wedding cake are.

You will most definitely need a hand held mixer to mix all the ingredients like flour, eggs and fruit mixture together. Secondly you would require baking molds of different sizes to make different tiers of the cake. After the cakes are baked in these molds, you need to carefully remove them, and place them one on top of the other, in ascending order of size. You could also purchase cake molds of different shapes (stars and hearts being some unique examples which happen to be very much in demand).

Of course, the entire effect lies in the frosting. For adept frosting, you really need to have skills with the piping bag. Even if you personally don't, you could get a friend who is skilled to help you with the frosting. You could look online for inspiration, when it comes to wedding cake patterns and designs. You could also prepare fondant, and cover the cake with it, though we strongly suggest you do not, as there is nothing more fake looking and unhealthy as fondants. You could, however, use hardened sugar and whipped cream to uniformly cover the cake.

Cheap Ornamentations for the Wedding Cake

You should not depend upon a wedding cake designer to come up with a visually popping look for your wedding cake. There are a number of cake decors which come cheap, and are exquisite to look at. Some of these cake ornaments include- fruits, especially ripe strawberries, cherries, grapes and slices of lemon. Flowers like roses, lilies, and jasmine are traditionally used to adorn multi-tiered cakes, usually in a fashion, where it appears that they are cascading down the tiers of the cake. Edible pearls are also incredibly cheap to get by, which you could sprinkle over your cake.

These were our suggestions regarding inexpensive cakes that look gorgeous. Practical, delightful, and best of all, you do not have to burn a severe hole in your pocket for it!